
Viper provides a set of core commands used to interact repositories of files you want to collect. In order to see which commands are available, type help:

viper > help
| Command        | Description                                                 |
| about          | Show information about this Viper instance                  |
| analysis       | View the stored analysis                                    |
| clear          | Clear the console                                           |
| close          | Close the current session                                   |
| copy           | Copy opened file(s) into another project                    |
| delete         | Delete the opened file                                      |
| exit, quit     | Exit Viper                                                  |
| export         | Export the current session to file or zip                   |
| find           | Find a file                                                 |
| help           | Show this help message                                      |
| info           | Show information on the opened file                         |
| new            | Create new file                                             |
| notes          | View, add and edit notes on the opened file or project      |
| open           | Open a file                                                 |
| parent         | Add or remove a parent file                                 |
| projects       | List or switch existing projects                            |
| rename         | Rename the file in the database                             |
| sessions       | List or switch sessions                                     |
| stats          | Viper Collection Statistics                                 |
| store          | Store the opened file to the local repository               |
| tags           | Modify tags of the opened file                              |
| update-modules | Download Viper modules from the community GitHub repository |

Following are details for all the currently available commands.


The about command can be used to display some useful information regarding the Viper instance you are currently running. This includes the versions of both Viper itself and of your Python installation. Additionally the path of the active configuration file is shown:

viper > about
| About          |                                                 |
| Viper Version  | 2.0-dev                                         |
| Python Version | 3.6.5                                           |
| Homepage       |                                |
| Issue Tracker  | |
| Configuration            |                                                |
| Configuration File       | /home/user/.viper/viper.conf                   |
| Active Project           | demo                                           |
| Storage Path             | /home/user/.viper                              |
| Current Project Database | Engine(sqlite:////home/user/.viper/viper.db)   |


The analysis command can be used to display stored analysis.:

viper foo.txt > analysis -h
usage: analysis [-h] [-l | -v ANALYSIS ID | -d ANALYSIS ID]

View the stored analysis

optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    -l, --list            List all module results available for the current file
                    View the specified analysis
    -d ANALYSIS ID, --delete ANALYSIS ID
                    Delete an existing analysis

This stores the modules run with the file in question, so after you did some scans and run analysis -l to see all stored analysis:

viper aasf.jpg > analysis -l
| ID | Cmd Line     | Saved On (UTC)             |
| 1  | yara scan -t | 2018-09-04 13:23:09.250948 |
| 2  | triage       | 2018-09-04 13:23:09.285285 |
| 3  | yara         | 2018-09-04 13:26:21.377030 |
| 4  | yara scan    | 2018-09-04 13:26:24.212498 |

To view the output of a previously ran analysis use analysis -v this has the advantage that it is much faster than run modules again:

viper aasf.jpg > analysis -v 6
[*] Cmd Line: xor
[*] Searching for the following strings:
- This Program
- GetSystemDirectory
- CreateFile
- IsBadReadPtr
- IsBadWritePtrGetProcAddress
- LoadLibrary
- WinExec
- CreateFileShellExecute
- CloseHandle
- UrlDownloadToFile
- GetTempPath
- ReadFile
- WriteFile
- SetFilePointer
- GetProcAddr
- VirtualAlloc
- http
[*] Hold on, this might take a while...
[*] Searching XOR

To safe space it might be useful to delete a stored analysis using analysis -d


Clear the console


This command simply abandon a session that was previously opened. Note that the session will actually remain available in case you want to re-open it later.


The copy command let’s you copy the opened file into another project. By default the stored analysis results, notes and tags will also be copied. If the file has children related to it then these will not be copied by default. Also copying all children (recursively) can be enabled by passing the --children or -c flag.

If the --delete or -d is passed then the files will be copied to the specified project and then deleted from the local project:

viper foo.txt > copy -h
usage: copy [-h] [-d] [--no-analysis] [--no-notes] [--no-tags] [-c] project

Copy opened file into another project

positional arguments:
  project         Project to copy file(s) to

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  -d, --delete    delete original file(s) after copy ('move')
  --no-analysis   do not copy analysis details
  --no-notes      do not copy notes
  --no-tags       do not copy tags
  -c, --children  also copy all children - if --delete was selected also the
                  children will be deleted from current project after copy

viper foo.txt > copy -d foobar
[+] Copied: e2c94230decedbf4174ac3e35c6160a4c9324862c37cf45124920e63627624c1 (foo.txt)
[*] Deleted: e2c94230decedbf4174ac3e35c6160a4c9324862c37cf45124920e63627624c1
[+] Successfully copied sample(s)


The delete command you simply remove the currently opened file from the local repository:

viper poisonivy.exe > delete
Are you sure you want to delete this binary? Can't be reverted! [y/n] y
[+] File deleted
viper >

exit, quit

Exit Viper


The export command is used to export the currently opened file to the target path or archive name. You can zip up the file in a new archive too:

usage: export [-h] [-z] [-7] [-p] value

Export the current session to file or zip

positional arguments:
    value           path or archive name

optional arguments:
    -h, --help      show this help message and exit
    -z, --zip       Export session in a zip archive (PW support: No)
    -7, --sevenzip  Export session in a 7z archive (PW support: Yes)
    -p, --password  Protect archive with a password (PW) if supported


In order to quickly recover files you previously stored in the local repository, you can use the find command. Following is its help message:

usage: find [-h] [-t]

Find a file

positional arguments:
                Where to search.
    value         String to search.

optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    -t, --tags            List available tags and quit

This command expects a key and eventually a value. As shown by the help message, these are the available keys:

  • all: this will simply return all available files.
  • latest (optional limit value): this will return the latest 5 (or whichever limit you specified) files added to the local repository.
  • name (required value): this will find files matching the given name pattern (you can use wildcards).
  • md5 (required value): search by md5 hash.
  • sha256 (required value): search by sha256 hash.
  • tag (required value): search by tag name.
  • note (required value): find files that possess notes matching the given pattern.
  • any (required value): find files that possess any matching the given pattern.
  • ssdeep (required value): find files that possess any matching the given sseep value.

For example:

viper > find tag rat
| # | Name          | Mime                  | MD5                              |
| 1 | poisonivy.exe | application/x-dosexec | 22f77c113cc6d43d8c12ed3c9fb39825 |


Show help message


The info command will return you some basic information on the file you currently have opened, for example:

viper poisonivy.exe > info
| Key    | Value                                                                                                                            |
| Name   | poisonivy.exe                                                                                                                    |
| Tags   | rat, poisonivy                                                                                                                   |
| Path   | ~/viper/binaries/5/0/8/5/50855f9321de846f6a02b264e25e4c59983badb912c3c51d8c71fcd517205f26                                        |
| Size   | 133007                                                                                                                           |
| Type   | PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows                                                                                |
| Mime   | application/x-dosexec                                                                                                            |
| MD5    | 22f77c113cc6d43d8c12ed3c9fb39825                                                                                                 |
| SHA1   | dd639a7f682e985406256468d6df8a717e77b7f3                                                                                         |
| SHA256 | 50855f9321de846f6a02b264e25e4c59983badb912c3c51d8c71fcd517205f26                                                                 |
| SHA512 | 6743b06e8b243d513457949ad407d80992254c99b9835eb1ed03fbc0e88a062f0bb09bfd4dd9c0d43093b2a5419ecdb689574c2d2b0d72720080acf9af1b0a84 |
| SSdeep | 3072:I4lRkAehGfzmuqTPryFm8le+ZNX2TpF3Vb:I4lRkAehaKuqT+FDl7NXs7B                                                                  |
| CRC32  | 4090D32C
| Parent  |                                                                                                          |
| Children  |


To create new file within viper the new command will then open the default text editor to write input for the file. After exiting the editor a session with the not stored file is opened in viper. This might save time without the need to exit viper to touch a new textfile in the viper session:

viper > new
Enter a title for the new file: viper_docu_demo.txt
[*] Session opened on /tmp/tmpjo86tcr1
[*] New file with title "viper_docu_demo.txt" added to the current session


During an analysis you might want to keep track of your discoveries and results. Instead of having unorganized text files lying around, Viper allows you to create notes directly linked to the relevant files and even search across them. When you have a file opened, you can add any number of text notes associated to it through the notes command. This is the help message:

usage: notes [-h] [-l] [-a] [-e <note id>] [-d <note id>] [-p]

    --help (-h)    Show this help message
    --list (-h)    List all notes available for the current file
    --add (-a)     Add a new note to the current file
    --view (-v)    View the specified note
    --edit (-e)    Edit an existing note
    --delete (-d)  Delete an existing note
    --project (-p) Use project notes instead of notes being tied to a file

As shown in the help message, you can list add a note:

viper poisonivy.exe > notes --add
Enter a title for the new note:

Now you should enter a title, when you proceed Viper will open your default editor to edit the body of the note. Once done and the editor is closed, the new note will be stored:

[*] New note with title "Domains" added to the current file

Now you can see the new note in the list and view its content:

viper poisonivy.exe > notes --list
| ID | Title   |
| 1  | Domains |
viper poisonivy.exe > notes --view 1
[*] Title: Domains
[*] Body:
- poisonivy.malicious.tld
- poisonivy2.malicious.tld

It is also possible to add notes directly to the project without associating it to a file. With no file open, notes created will only be added to the project. If a file is open, a project note can be added by using the --project flag:

viper poisonivy.exe > notes --add --project
Enter a title for the new note:

You can list the project notes when a file is open with the command shown below:

viper poisonivy.exe > notes --list --project
| ID | Title   |
| 1  | Domains |


As explained in the Concepts chapter, Viper supports the concept of session, which is an execution context created when a specific file is opened and closed only when requested by the user. In order to create a session, you need to issue an open command. Following is the help message:

usage: open [-h] [-f] [-u] [-l] [-t] <target|md5|sha256>

    --help (-h) Show this help message
    --file (-f) The target is a file
    --url (-u)  The target is a URL
    --last (-l) Open file from the results of the last find command
    --tor (-t)  Download the file through Tor

You can also specify a MD5 or SHA256 hash to a previously stored
file in order to open a session on it.

You can fundamentally open:

  • A file available in the local repository
  • Any file available on the local filesystem
  • Any URL

If you don’t specify any option, Viper will interpret the value you provided as an hash it has to look up in the local database, for example:

viper > open 22f77c113cc6d43d8c12ed3c9fb39825
[*] Session opened on ~/viper/binaries/5/0/8/5/50855f9321de846f6a02b264e25e4c59983badb912c3c51d8c71fcd517205f26
viper poisonivy.exe >

If you want to open a file elsewhere on the filesystem, you need to specify the --file (or -f) flag:

viper > open -f /tmp/poisonivy.exe
[*] Session opened on /tmp/poisonivy.exe

If you want to open an URL you can use the --url flag:

viper > open --url http://malicious.tld/path/to/file.exe
[*] Session opened on /tmp/tmpcuIOIj
viper tmpcuIOIj >

If you have Tor running, you can fetch the file through it by additionally specifying --tor.

Through the open command you can also directly open one of the entries from the results of the last executed find command, for example:

viper > find all
| # | Name          | Mime                  | MD5                              |
| 1 | poisonivy.exe | application/x-dosexec | 22f77c113cc6d43d8c12ed3c9fb39825 |
viper > open --last 1
[*] Session opened on ~/viper/binaries/5/0/8/5/50855f9321de846f6a02b264e25e4c59983badb912c3c51d8c71fcd517205f26
viper poisonivy.exe >


Add or remove a parent file.:

viper viper_docu_demo.txt > parent --h
usage: parent [-h] [-a SHA256] [-d] [-o]

Add or remove a parent file

optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    -a SHA256, --add SHA256
                    Add parent file by sha256
    -d, --delete          Delete Parent
    -o, --open            Open The Parent

To add a parent file for an file parent -a is used:

viper viper_docu_demo.txt > parent -a 749bb1bccfae3bc1996ad093312c4dc1c475a3488a2ea9f269482ce9d90b9af8
[*] parent added to the currently opened file
[*] Refreshing session to update attributes...
[*] Session opened on       /home/viper/.viper/projects/demo/binaries/1/c/d/6/1cd63c1dc1004f9d43321be71fa05a4331083e85c500c7b8dade894d82358061
 viper viper_docu_demo.txt > info
+----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------+
| Key      | Value                                                                                                                            |
| Name     | viper_docu_demo.txt                                                                                                              |
| Tags     |                                                                                                                                  |
| Path     | /home/viper/.viper/projects/demo/binaries/1/c/d/6/1cd63c1dc1004f9d43321be71fa05a4331083e85c500c7b8dade894d82358061            |
| Size     | 11                                                                                                                               |
| Type     | UTF-8 Unicode text                                                                                                               |
| Mime     | text/plain                                                                                                                       |
| MD5      | b6d4a40a6bb103123288f8baeef2069e                                                                                                 |
| SHA1     | 1a32142a4136c14f251d180353f7e24d2feafcf5                                                                                         |
| SHA256   | 1cd63c1dc1004f9d43321be71fa05a4331083e85c500c7b8dade894d82358061                                                                 |
| SHA512   | eac1f26077f774bfa179bb3bc3640657f844d1d37ba10f5ec95f1b5955a6f8a38d671306a112a73564c91b73ecf3aa790879df570b6cac452f8221f62571e66a |
| SSdeep   | 3:oEg:oEg                                                                                                                        |
| CRC32    | 49A098FC                                                                                                                         |
| Parent   | aasf.jpg - 749bb1bccfae3bc1996ad093312c4dc1c475a3488a2ea9f269482ce9d90b9af8                                                      |
| Children |                                                                                                                                  |

To open a session for the parent file parent -o is used (note the children section):

viper viper_docu_demo.txt > parent -o
[*] Session opened on   /home/viper/.viper/projects/demo/binaries/7/4/9/b/749bb1bccfae3bc1996ad093312c4dc1c475a3488a2ea9f269482ce9d90b9af8
demo viper aasf.jpg > info
| Key      | Value                                                                                                                            |
| Name     | aasf.jpg                                                                                                                         |
| Tags     |                                                                                                                                  |
| Path     | /home/viper/.viper/projects/demo/binaries/7/4/9/b/749bb1bccfae3bc1996ad093312c4dc1c475a3488a2ea9f269482ce9d90b9af8            |
| Size     | 1120                                                                                                                             |
| Type     | data                                                                                                                             |
| Mime     | application/octet-stream                                                                                                         |
|   MD5      | 6296ff1a94c30a68d18748e7948c3ffa                                                                                                 |
| SHA1     | bae357a94bffb3f33cae6f2610822f4008fa29e2                                                                                         |
| SHA256   | 749bb1bccfae3bc1996ad093312c4dc1c475a3488a2ea9f269482ce9d90b9af8                                                                 |
| SHA512   | e1408441b83346bb23a8929d86610cc7ac164a3d9b1e963e14b1b6588779766b60fb13c3b10f801052b669a244c659012c4250fca8c221fed906c56cce67aec7 |
| SSdeep   | 24:k3McZOX52TnV7/d1QLykkmjoOGBfBKWDZ2hy3tkRCoNplXNkye13N0B0rLO:k3McE8V7jQnjVG9wYcs3tVOXNky6N0KG                                  |
| CRC32    | 220A0DE7                                                                                                                         |
| Parent   |                                                                                                                                  |
| Children | 1cd63c1dc1004f9d43321be71fa05a4331083e85c500c7b8dade894d82358061,                                                                |


As anticipated in the Concepts section, Viper provides a way to create multiple projects which represent isolated collections of files. You can create a project by simply specifying a value to the --project argument at launch of viper.

From within the Viper viper, you can list the existing projects and switch from one to another by simply using the projects command. Following is the help message:

usage: projects [-h] [-l] [-s=project]

    --help (-h) Show this help message
    --list (-l) List all existing projects
    --switch (-s)   Switch to the specified project

Each project will have its own local file repository, its own viper.db SQLite database and its own .viperhistory file, which is used to record the history of commands you entered in the terminal.

For example, this is how to launch Viper with a specific project:

nex@nex:$ viper --project test1
   _   _ _ ____  _____  ____
  | | | | |  _ \| ___ |/ ___)
   \ V /| | |_| | ____| |
    \_/ |_|  __/|_____)_| v2.0-dev

You have 0 files in your test1 repository
test1 viper >

From within the terminal, you can see which projects exist:

test1 viper > projects -l
[*] Projects Available:
| Project Name | Creation Time            | Current |
| test1        | Sat Jul 12 00:53:06 2014 | Yes     |

You can eventually switch to a different one:

test1 viper > projects --switch test2
[*] Switched to project test2
test2 viper >

Note that if you specify a name of a project that doesn’t exist to the --switch parameter, Viper will create that project and open it nevertheless.


Rename the file in the database with a prompt for the new filename (note: this will not rename the file on disk):

viper aasf.jpg > rename
[*] Current name is: aasf.jpg
New name: helloworld.jpg
[*] Refreshing session to update attributes...
[*] Session opened on   /home/viper/.viper/projects/demo/binaries/7/4/9/b/749bb1bccfae3bc1996ad093312c4dc1c475a3488a2ea9f269482ce9d90b9af8
demo viper helloworld.jpg > info
| Key      | Value                                                                                                                            |
| Name     | helloworld.jpg                                                                                                                   |
| Tags     |                                                                                                                                  |
| Path     | /home/viper/.viper/projects/demo/binaries/7/4/9/b/749bb1bccfae3bc1996ad093312c4dc1c475a3488a2ea9f269482ce9d90b9af8             |
| Size     | 1120                                                                                                                             |
| Type     | data                                                                                                                             |
| Mime     | application/octet-stream                                                                                                         |
| MD5      | 6296ff1a94c30a68d18748e7948c3ffa                                                                                                 |
| SHA1     | bae357a94bffb3f33cae6f2610822f4008fa29e2                                                                                         |
| SHA256   | 749bb1bccfae3bc1996ad093312c4dc1c475a3488a2ea9f269482ce9d90b9af8                                                                 |
| SHA512   | e1408441b83346bb23a8929d86610cc7ac164a3d9b1e963e14b1b6588779766b60fb13c3b10f801052b669a244c659012c4250fca8c221fed906c56cce67aec7 |
| SSdeep   | 24:k3McZOX52TnV7/d1QLykkmjoOGBfBKWDZ2hy3tkRCoNplXNkye13N0B0rLO:k3McE8V7jQnjVG9wYcs3tVOXNky6N0KG                                  |
| CRC32    | 220A0DE7                                                                                                                         |
| Parent   |                                                                                                                                  |
| Children | 1cd63c1dc1004f9d43321be71fa05a4331083e85c500c7b8dade894d82358061,                                                                |


You can see which sessions are currently active and eventually switch from one to another through the sessions command. Following is the help message:

usage: sessions [-h] [-l] [-s SWITCH]

    --help (-h) Show this help message
    --list (-l) List all existing sessions
    -s SWITCH, --switch SWITCH
                    Switch to the specified session

An example of execution is the following:

viper poisonivy.exe > sessions --list
[*] Opened Sessions:
| # | Name          | MD5                              | Created At          | Current |
| 1 | poisonivy.exe | 22f77c113cc6d43d8c12ed3c9fb39825 | 2014-07-12 01:36:14 | Yes     |
| 2 | zeus.exe      | 9b2de8b062a5538d2a126ba93835d1e9 | 2014-07-12 01:36:19 |         |
| 3 | darkcomet.exe | 9f2520a3056543d49bb0f822d85ce5dd | 2014-07-12 01:36:23 |         |
viper poisonivy.exe > sessions --switch 2
[*] Switched to session #2 on ~/viper/binaries/6/7/6/a/676a818365c573e236245e8182db87ba1bc021c5d8ee7443b9f673f26e7fd7d1
viper zeus.exe >


Viper Collection Statistics:

viper abc_report1.doc > stats
[*] Projects
| Name | Count |
| Main | 6     |
| Next | 10    |
[*] Current Project
[*] Extensions
| Ext  | Count |
| jpg  | 1     |
| txt  | 1     |
| mp3  | 1     |
| pdf  | 1     |
| doc  | 1     |
| docx | 1     |
[*] Mime Types
| Mime                     | Count |
| application/octet-stream | 5     |
| text/plain               | 1     |
[*] Tags
| Tag    | Count |
| tag333 | 1     |
| tag1   | 1     |
[*] Size Stats
- Largest  109.44 KiB
- Smallest  11.00 B
- Average  59.97 KiB


The store command is used to store the currently opened file to the local repository. There are many options and filters you can apply, as shown in the following help message:

usage: store [-h] [-d] [-f <path>] [-s <size>] [-y <type>] [-n <name>] [-t]

    --help (-h) Show this help message
    --delete (-d)   Delete the original file
    --folder (-f)   Specify a folder to import
    --file-size (-s)    Specify a maximum file size
    --file-type (-y)    Specify a file type pattern
    --file-name (-n)    Specify a file name pattern
    --tags (-t) Specify a list of comma-separated tags

If you specify --delete it will instruct Viper to delete the original copy of the file you want to store in the local repository, for example:

viper > open -f /tmp/poisonivy.exe
[*] Session opened on /tmp/poisonivy.exe
viper poisonivy.exe > store --delete
[+] Stored file "poisonivy.exe" to ~/viper/binaries/5/0/8/5/50855f9321de846f6a02b264e25e4c59983badb912c3c51d8c71fcd517205f26
[*] Session opened on ~/viper/binaries/5/0/8/5/50855f9321de846f6a02b264e25e4c59983badb912c3c51d8c71fcd517205f26
viper poisonivy.exe >

If you want, you can store the content of an entire folder by specifying its path to the --folder parameter. In case the folder contains a large variety of files, you can filter which ones you’re particularly interested in: with --file-size you can specify a maximum size in bytes, with --file-type you can specify a pattern of magic file type (e.g. PE32) and with --file-name you can specify a wildcard-enabled pattern to be matched with the file names (e.g. apt_*).

If you want, you can already specify a list of comma separated tags to apply to all files stored through the given command.

Following is an example:

viper > store --folder /tmp/malware --file-type PE32 --file-size 10000000 --file-name apt_* --tags apt,trojan


In order to easily group and identify files, Viper allows you to create one or more tags to be associated with them. This is the help message:

usage: tags [-h] [-a TAG] [-d TAG]

optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    -a TAG, --add TAG     Add tags to the opened file (comma separated)
    -d TAG, --delete TAG  Delete a tag from the opened file

Once you have a file opened, you can add one ore more tags separated by a comma:

viper poisonivy.exe > tags --add rat,poisonivy
[*] Tags added to the currently opened file
[*] Refreshing session to update attributes...
[*] Session opened on ~/viper/binaries/5/0/8/5/50855f9321de846f6a02b264e25e4c59983badb912c3c51d8c71fcd517205f26

Once added, the session will be refreshed so that the new attributes will be visible as you can see from the output of an info command:

viper poisonivy.exe > info
| Key    | Value                                                                                                                            |
| Name   | poisonivy.exe                                                                                                                    |
| Tags   | rat, poisonivy                                                                                                                   |
| Path   | ~/viper/binaries/5/0/8/5/50855f9321de846f6a02b264e25e4c59983badb912c3c51d8c71fcd517205f26                                        |
| Size   | 133007                                                                                                                           |
| Type   | PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows                                                                                |
| Mime   | application/x-dosexec                                                                                                            |
| MD5    | 22f77c113cc6d43d8c12ed3c9fb39825                                                                                                 |
| SHA1   | dd639a7f682e985406256468d6df8a717e77b7f3                                                                                         |
| SHA256 | 50855f9321de846f6a02b264e25e4c59983badb912c3c51d8c71fcd517205f26                                                                 |
| SHA512 | 6743b06e8b243d513457949ad407d80992254c99b9835eb1ed03fbc0e88a062f0bb09bfd4dd9c0d43093b2a5419ecdb689574c2d2b0d72720080acf9af1b0a84 |
| SSdeep | 3072:I4lRkAehGfzmuqTPryFm8le+ZNX2TpF3Vb:I4lRkAehaKuqT+FDl7NXs7B                                                                  |
| CRC32  | 4090D32C                                                                                                                         |
| Parent  |                                                                                                                          |
| Children  |                                                                                                                          |


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