HTTP Interfaces

Viper has two HTTP Components that can optionally be enabled alongside the console access.

  • REST based API interface
  • Web interface

The first one can be used to easily integrate Viper with other tools, while the second one provides an user-friendly alternative to the traditional command-line interface.

Security Considerations

Beware that Viper does not provide any security mechanism to protect neither of the HTTP interfaces. Enabling either interface access to the Internet would severely expose the security of your system, as users are able not only to access and operate on your Viper repositories, but also execute commands on the hosting system.

Make sure you take all necessary precautions to implement authentication and encryption whenever necessary through the tools provided by your firewall and web server.


Viper provides a REST-based API interface through which you can operate on the repositories as well as execute almost all functions that you would normally get through the command-line interface.

To start the API:

user@system:~/$ viper-api
Bottle server starting up (using WSGIRefServer())...
Listening on
Hit Ctrl-C to quit.

You can bind it on a different IP and port by providing additional options:

usage: viper-api [-h] [-H HOST] [-p PORT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -H HOST, --host HOST  Host to bind the API server on
  -p PORT, --port PORT  Port to bind the API server on

The API commands will provide JSON results. Following ou can find details on the commands available.


GET /test

Test the API server.

Example request:


Example response:

    "message": "test"


  • None

Status codes:

  • 200 - no errors


POST /file/add

Submit a file to Viper.

Example request:

curl -F file=@FILE -F tags='foo,bar' -X POST

Example response:

    "message": "added"


  • tags: comma separated list of tags
  • file: path to the file to submit

Status codes:

  • 200 - no errors
  • 500 - something failed when adding the file


POST /file/add_url

Submit a url to Viper.

Example request:

curl -F url='' -F tags='foo,bar' -F tor='true' -X POST

Example response:

    "message": "added"
    "sha256": "a28a9ca63e8460b03dff84b5645c6c2a30f48149c0e5b273525cf4b80fe8a8ca"


  • url: url of the file to download
  • tags: comma separated list of tags
  • tor: if a value is set, tor will be used to download the file

Status codes:

  • 200 - no errors
  • 500 - something failed when adding the file


GET /file/get/ (str: MD5 or SHA256 hash)

Retrieve a file from Viper.

Example request:



  • hash: MD5 or SHA256 hash of the file to retrieve

Status codes:

  • 200 - no error
  • 400 - you did not provide a valid hash (MD5 or SHA256)
  • 404 - file not found


GET /file/delete/ (str: MD5 or SHA256 hash)

Delete file from Viper.

Example request:

Example response:

    "message": "deleted"

Status codes:

  • 200 - no error
  • 400 - invalid hash format
  • 404 - file not found
  • 500 - unable to delete file


POST /file/find

Find a file in Viper default repository or project

Example request:

curl -F tag=rat

Example response:

    "default": [
            "sha1": "13da502ab0d75daca5e5075c60e81bfe3b7a637f",
            "name": "darkcomet.exe",
            "tags": [
            "sha512": "7e81e0c4f49f1884ebebdf6e53531e7836721c2ae41729cf5bc0340f3369e7d37fe4168a7434b2b0420b299f5c1d9a4f482f1bda8e66e40345757d97e5602b2d",
            "created_at": "2015-03-30 23:13:20.595238",
            "crc32": "2238B48E",
            "ssdeep": "12288:D9HFJ9rJxRX1uVVjoaWSoynxdO1FVBaOiRZTERfIhNkNCCLo9Ek5C/hlg:NZ1xuVVjfFoynPaVBUR8f+kN10EB/g",
            "sha256": "2d79fcc6b02a2e183a0cb30e0e25d103f42badda9fbf86bbee06f93aa3855aff",
            "type": "PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows",
            "id": 10,
            "md5": "9f2520a3056543d49bb0f822d85ce5dd",
            "size": 774144
            "sha1": "dbcea714f43aa06a7f1c3d11cbfd67e4f8e0c23e",
            "name": "poisonivy3.exe",
            "tags": [
            "sha512": "4b2d61211b059400d5f8701908c6f4cb25a70a44882c67f887301dfc3e02d29b562032fc11333cca29f8bb9a31f0b4679760b0161a63cfc848da1e718dadcd58",
            "created_at": "2015-03-30 23:13:20.595238",
            "crc32": "BCD8287D",
            "ssdeep": "3072:lR+yF1aa8hCqTevS0IjhAPCoGm3vkazsW2mq:lR+KrWCqavSFhmCoGm3h0mq",
            "sha256": "15846af22582f06fde215a0e506fdf5f88d3262b3d62d1eabd6bdf00f91e0df7",
            "type": "PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386 (stripped to external PDB), for MS Windows",
            "id": 28,
            "md5": "23c3b61ecdff3d67479d70b5d4d91dea",
            "size": 143560


  • md5: search by MD5
  • sha256: search by SHA256
  • ssdeep: search by ssdeep
  • tag: search by tag
  • name: search by name
  • all: retrieve all files
  • latest: retrieve only the most recently added files (specify 1 as the value)
  • project: a project name to search the file in (default is none, you can also specify “all” to search across all projects)

Status codes:

  • 200 - no error
  • 400 - invalid search term


POST /file/tags/add

Add one or more tags to one or more files

Example request:

curl -F tags=foo,bar -F md5=23c3b61ecdff3d67479d70b5d4d91dea

Example response:

    "message": "added"


  • tags: comma-separated list of tags
  • md5: select by MD5
  • sha256: select by SHA256
  • ssdeep: select by ssdeep
  • tag: select by tag
  • name: select by name
  • all: retrieve all files
  • latest: retrieve only the most recently added files

Status codes:

  • 200 - no error
  • 404 - file not found


GET /tags/list

Retrieve a list of all tags

Example request:


Example response:


Status codes:

  • 200 - no error#


POST /file/notes/add

Add a note to a sample


  • sha256: select by SHA256
  • title: title of the note
  • body: body of the note

Example request:

curl -F sha256="2e766eabed666510a385544b79a5d344b48a2de2040c62fee9addb19c554ed4c" -F title="asd"  -F body="bodddy"

Example response:

    "message": "Note added"

Status codes:

  • 200 - no error


POST /file/notes/view

Retrieve a list of all notes

Example request:

curl -F sha256="2e766eabed666510a385544b79a5d344b48a2de2040c62fee9addb19c554ed4c"

Example response:

    "message": {
        "1": {
            "body": "bodddy",
            "title": "asd"

Status codes:

  • 200 - no error


POST /file/notes/update

Updates a note from a sample


  • sha256: select by SHA256
  • title: title of the note
  • body: body of the note
  • id: id of the note

Example request:

curl -F sha256="2e766eabed666510a385544b79a5d344b48a2de2040c62fee9addb19c554ed4c" -F title="asd" -F id="1" -F body="bodddy"

Example response:

    "message": "Note updated"

Status codes:

  • 200 - no error


POST /file/notes/delete

Delete a note from a sample


  • sha256: select by SHA256
  • id: id of the note

Example request:

curl -F sha256="2e766eabed666510a385544b79a5d344b48a2de2040c62fee9addb19c554ed4c" -F id="1"

Example response:

    "message": "Note deleted"

Status codes:

  • 200 - no error


GET /projects/list

Retrieve a list of all projects

Example request:


Example response:


Status codes:

  • 200 - no error
  • 404 - no projects found


POST /modules/run

Execute a command

Example request:

curl -F sha256=d5042d68b813d5c45c03fe6883f5b83ff079cb9c394ddcc9c84f58e0369c6cdf -F cmdline="pe compiletime"

Example response:

[{'data': 'Compile Time: \\x1b[1m1992-06-20 00:22:17\\x1b[0m', 'type': 'info'}]


  • project: project name
  • sha256: SHA256 hash of the file to execute the command on
  • cmdline: the full command line as you would normally pass to the CLI

Status codes:

  • 200 - no error
  • 404 - invalid command line

Web Interface

Viper comes with a basic single threaded HTML Browser interface that can run alongside the command-line interface and API. Its main features are:

  • Project Switching / Creation
  • Multiple File Upload
  • File Download
  • Unpack Compressed uploads
  • Full Search (including tag, name, mime, note, type)
  • Hex Viewer
  • Run Modules
  • Enter Notes
  • Add / Delete / Modify Yara rules
  • Add / Delete / Modify Tags

Launch the web interface

To launch the web application move into the viper directory and run the script. By default it launches a single threaded bottle web server on localhost:9090:

user@localhost:~/$ viper-web
Bottle v0.12.8 server starting up (using WSGIRefServer())...
Listening on http://localhost:9090/
Hit Ctrl-C to quit.

You can set the listening IP address and port with options -H and -p

user@localhost:~/$ viper-web -H -p 8080
Bottle v0.12.8 server starting up (using WSGIRefServer())...
Listening on
Hit Ctrl-C to quit.

Use viper in a (web) production environment

In production use, its often not recommended to use the default Bottle WSGIRefServer as it can be quite slow and requires manual start.

A dedicated webserver that serves pages on standard ports and with a standardized configuration is possible with viper, but requires some additional setup To make this work, we are using uwsgi and nginx as stack.

To use nginx as the webserver serving,:

$ sudo apt-get remove apache2 #avoid conflicts
$ sudo apt-get install nginx-full uwsgi uwsgi-plugin-python

Move (or copy) the source to the web directory and make sure the permissions match

$ sudo mv viper-* /srv/www/viper
$ chown -R www-data:www-data /srv/www/viper

Change the VIPER_ROOT variable in to reflect your installation.:

$ sudo vi /srv/www/viper/

Modify the user section, and uncomment and change the following line to reflect your environment:

VIPER_ROOT ='/srv/www/viper'

Create a file /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/bottle.ini:

socket = /run/uwsgi/app/bottle/socket
chdir = /srv/www/viper/
master = true
plugins = python
file =
uid = www-data
gid = www-data

Link the /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/bottle.ini file to apps-enabled:

$ sudo  ln -s /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/bottle.ini /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/bottle.ini

Restart nginx and uwsgi:

$ sudo service nginx restart
$ sudo service uwsgi restart

Tail the uwsgi logfile to make sure everything works ok:

$ tail -f /var/log/uwsgi/app/bottle.log

And browse to the default port 80 interface of the webserver. You should be greeted with the viper webpage.

Setting up SSL and web-based authentication is out of scope for this document, but infromation can be found in the nginx manual and in one of the many tutorials on the web.